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Script Doctor Eric

As screenwriters, it’s always a good idea to keep up with the newly released films, if for no other reason, so you don’t write a movie that just came out in the theater.  Plus, there is much to learn from watching movies (and reading screenplays and, ahem, actually writing).

As I stated a few weeks ago, 2012 is going to be a great year for movies.  So, why not get out and see as many films as you can?

Need more motivation?  Join me, TV Script Doctor Joey, Scriptcast Matt, actor Lawrence Long, and others in a fun and free challenge!

The Great Movie Challenge of 2012

1. From now through January 31st, 2013, watch as many movies released in 2012 as you can fit into your schedule.*

2. Keep a running list.  Rank the movies as soon as you see them, with a few brief thoughts on each film (240 characters max).  A Word doc on the desktop should do the trick.  For an example check out my list from last year: The Best Movies of 2011

3. Send me your list by January 31st, 2013 at 11:59pm.

I’ll post the lists on the site, or, if I receive too many, create a master list, quoting from each submission.


There will be prizes for:

1. The most movies seen
2. The list that most closely matches the average rankings of all the lists.
3. The list that most closely matches mine. :)

What will these prizes be?  Good question!  The contest won’t end for over a year from now so…stay tuned!

See you at the theater.




*It’s difficult to see all the “awards” movies in December, thus, an extra month is allowed.

Related posts:

  1. Ten Movies to See in 2012: A List of Anticipation
  2. Biggest Oscar Snubs of 2012
  3. 2012 Screenwriting Resolutions
  4. The 5 Worst Movies of 2011