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Script Doctor Joey’s Screenplay Analysis

Script Doctor Joey’s Screenplay Analysis

As you may have noticed, there has been little activity from me, Script Doctor Eric in a while. (Except on Twitter – @ScriptDrEric)

Apologies for radio silence.  I’ve actually landed an amazing gig that I can’t say much about!  Woo woo!

Unfortunately, it’s full time, which means taking a hiatus from screenplay notes.

But, instead of leaving up-and-coming screenwriters flailing in the wind, wondering where they might get the help they need, I’ve recruited one of the best screenwriters AND note-givers I know.

You know her as TV Consultant Joey, but, we’re changing her name.  She’s now Script Doctor Joey!

Full disclosure time: Joey also writes features – in fact, she’s currently working with a producer and manager (and director?) to package her features.  Exciting stuff!

Joey has been giving coverage, notes, and analysis on feature scripts in the entertainment industry for over a decade.

In fact, I get notes on all my feature screenplays from Joey BEFORE I send them to anyone else.  Seriously.  She’s really, really good.

Really.  Really good.  You guys are lucky.

If Joey didn’t have the time to give notes on feature scripts right now, this post would just be about how I’m taking a hiatus from reading scripts.  But, because she is available I know I am leaving you guys in good hands.

Because if you want help – serious help – on your screenplay, there is no one better than Joey.

So if you’re a new screenwriter or a screenwriter who just finished a new screenplay, just go to my Screenwriting Services Page and order her service.  I’ve taken my services off of there, as you’ll see – it’s just Joey now.

Which I trust will be fine.  In fact, pretty soon you might just be asking: “Script Doctor Eri-who?”

Seriously.  Best of luck to you all.  And…

