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Script Doctor Eric

While I’m done with the larger project that kept me on hiatus through most of 2012, there are still a few odds and ends I’m catching up on before relaunching my screenwriting services

These “odds and ends” will be done soon.  As in, the next few days.

So if you have a script and are looking for notes – stay tuned!  I’ll be coming back in FULL FORCE with a limited time offer for the BEST DEAL ON SCREENPLAY NOTES that you’ve ever seen!

And that’s no bull.

Okay, it’s a little bull, because you might have seen some phenomenal deals on screenplay notes.  But if you haven’t, you’ll be blown away.

Also, regular features of ScriptDoctorEric.com such as Support Something Sunday and Logline Friday have returned!  (That’s right, Logline Friday will be back beginning Friday, December 14th!)

So keep writing, check back here for that deal on script notes, and…



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  1. Almost Back!